Intuitive browser-based app for desktops, smartphones and tablets
Easy deployment with training videos, Quick Start Guide and online help
Same screen signing with front-end speech-to-text, Speak-EZ Desktop Dictation
Quick provider editing on desktops, smartphones and tablets
Perfect for physicians, clinicians, therapists and social workers
Meets all regulatory requirements for HIPAA, CMS, and JCAHO

Edit and Sign on your Android or Apple phone, tablet, or Windows PC
Provider Friendly and Feature-Rich Convenience
Special Handling for Preliminary Notes and Addendum Processing
Dual eSign for Preceptors and Residents, Interns, or Midlevels
Provider-Friendly Features
Automatic sequencing of next note to be signed
Updated display of remaining job count
Ability to partially edit a note and save for further review before signing
Manual eSign workflow for staff to eSign when provider prefers a hard copy
Quick retrieval of previous patient notes for reference
Ability to send a job to the editing team with text of needed changes
Ability to sort notes by status such as Inpatients before Outpatients
Customizable eSignature statement with name and an image
Voice file access from the signing screen instead of calling into the dictation system
Arrendale Includes More Functionality

Optional requirement to force providers to fill in blanks before signing
Dual eSignature with preceptor and resident signing
Addendum creation and linking, after signature
Group signing when practices allow providers to sign for each other
‘Preliminary’ watermark when system configured to send unsigned jobs
Full reporting of signing activity and dictation to eSign turnaround time
Display of signing provider’s name when the signing provider is not the dictating provider

Security Features
Full audit trail of authors, editors, dates and times
For compliance, an additional PIN is required
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption protects all signing activity from any location
Storage of all prior versions before final signed version
‘View Versions’ button displays prior versions to authorized users