• Great accuracy for scribes, editors and managers

Benefits for Providers
Faster return of completed notes
No change in dictation habits
Less time spent in the EHR
Less clicks/steps to complete a note
Speech rec + QA Editors = Accuracy
Provider’s choice: back-end, front-end, or traditional transcription

Multiple Dictation Methods:
Mobile+ smartphone app
Desktop dictation
Digital recorders
Landline telephones
Dictate stations

Reduce Payroll with
Backend Speech Recognition
Benefits for Transcription Managers and MTSOs

Lower Cost than Competitors
Includes All Specialties
Great Results with All Dialects
Preloading of Local Names
Speech Partnership: nVoq
• Cooperates with MTSOs instead of competing
• Produces great accuracy without provider voice training
• Utilizes latest technologies: Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
• Generates payroll cost reduction of 25% or more
• Shares over 20 years of medical speech know-how

Benefits for Scribes
• A single login receives both back-end and straight type jobs
• Easy transition for first time speech recognition users
• Single screen for all editing, spellchecking, and formatting
• All the traditional tools while editing: Abbreviation expanders, Normals, and Spellcheckers

Relief for your hands and wrists
Improve TAT and save $$
Easy transition for first time users
Grading Software: Let us do the Math for QA
Automate the manual process of scoring each draft note
Provide automatic workflow to edit and/or score transcripts before Completion status
Prompt managers to set error types and numerical penalties
Notify graders to strikeout incorrect text, replace and classify errors
Compute the score automatically based on errors
Display corrections online for training and Improvement
Include reporting for each scribe