Customer choice: back-end speech recognition, powered by nVoq, traditional transcription or hybrid front-end
Hybrid workflow enables front-end speech providers to automatically send jobs to editing staff
‘Submit to QA’ button can be used with every job or as provider feels necessary
Scribes are configured to receive jobs into separate typing and editing queues using a single signon
Editing back-end speech jobs uses same process and queue as editing traditionally transcribed jobs
Built-in productivity tools include a med/pharm spellchecker, word expander and character/line counting software
Ancillary third party software expenses are eliminated

Speed Typing and Efficiency with Arrendale
Splitting and renumbering feature divides multiple jobs dictated under a single voice file
Reduced keystrokes avoid fatigue for scribes
Each user has their own “dictionary,” available from any PC
Both text and audio are bookmarked when editing
Supports up to 30,000 abbreviations per user

Note creation includes an integrated abbreviation expander, Text Replacement
Specialized toolbar depicts specific functions to increase productivity and reduce training
Total dictation length and time remaining are displayed on the media bar
Word lists from other expanders are easily imported
Efficiency for Managers with Arrendale

Speech recognition from nVoq is incredibly accurate
New users are up and running quickly without facility IT assistance
Scribes must specify a reason before returning an uncompleted job
Managers control how many jobs are sent to each user’s queue
Managers control Normals (facility wide, frequently used text) for consistency
Normals are selected from a drop-down list, unique for each site
Normals may exceed a single line and may contain fill-in jumps
Normals may be associated with a worktype or provider
Managers configure character or line counting, include or exclude header/footer
Cloning feature saves time when creating new templates

Finally, Automated Quality Assurance Tools
Scribes have system access to their version and the corrected final version of the note for education; faxing and printing are no longer necessary
System includes multiple quality review levels enabling editing by various teams before a note reaches ‘Complete’ status
The voice file accompanies the transcript during the QA process for efficiency
Supervisors determine the percentage of jobs to be QA’d for each scribe and for each site
Scribes can quickly insert an ‘Unknown Word’ flag at any point in the transcript to mark an area where they are unable to determine the provider’s words. Editors are then able to view each Unknown Word, voice and text, sequentially for clarification
Automated Scoring to Grade each Scribe
Grading can be completed in an Active (before Complete status) or Passive (after Complete status) mode
Facility configures their own set of errors with associated numerical deductions
Arrendale system does the calculations automatically
The TA+ Admin Console provides quality score reports with accuracy percentages; enabling healthcare sites and MTSOs to provide definitive outcomes to their customers
Easy-to-use Speech Recognition
Integrated Scoring
Call 800.344.1323

Connectivity, Security and Installation
Our word processor is intuitive and feature-rich, and avoids version compatibility issues
Autosave feature saves work locally in an encrypted state when an Internet and/or power outage occurs
Completed work is automatically sent to Arrendale cloud server when connectivity is restored
Patient metadata, voice files and notes are encrypted throughout the application and removed from the device at logoff
No VPN needed for remote staff
Complex password requirements add to PHI protection
MSI file deployment enables rapid installation across the enterprise
System creates a chronological HIPAA audit log of all activity for each note from dictation through delivery