Our speech recognition, powered by nVoq, will increase your profit margin; we do not use a competitor’s speech rec.
Our US techs provide VNA, Vendor Neutral Architecture, for EHR interface simplification.
Healthcare customers love our dictation freedom, the TA+ software and its extra features.
Our built-in reports and admin console save time, making managers more efficient.
Our platform strengthens your compliance with HIPAA and HITECH requirements.
We do not compete for outsourcing business; we specialize in software and leave the typing to Arrendale MTSO Partners

Let our Technology Help
Increase your Business
TA+ Cloud Cost Savings

No servers to purchase, install, monitor and update
Payroll reduction: Back-end speech priced less than others – save over 25%
Expensive T1 telephony lines eliminated
No annual support fees
Our tech staff lowers or replaces your IT expenses
No data center leasing expenses
Training efficiency saves time: videos, desktop streaming, online help, toll-free Support Center
Affordable pricing for small MTSOs
All inclusive software: integrated text expander, medical/pharmaceutical spellcheckers and line-counting
Integrated grading software helps train your team

Improve Your Efficiency with Arrendale
Voice and text synchronization improves editor productivity
Multiple quality assurance queues hold jobs at MTSO and then at customer, if necessary, before EHR upload
Online transcript grading module enables MTSO to verify transcript quality levels to customer
Easy search functionality locates needed jobs with minimal clicks
Line count reporting saves time with invoicing and payroll
Arrendale project management keeps new customer installs on track
Knowledgeable Support Center techs answer your questions quickly
Job Monitor screen displays birds-eye view of system activity

Features Your Customers Will Enjoy
Smartphone dictation app, Mobile+, with transcript viewing, editing and esigning
Multiple dictation options: Mobile+ app, landline dictation, digital recorders, USB mikes and dictate stations
45 day central repository of voice files, from all devices, available via telephone to authorized users
Transcript data mining for medications and diagnoses – great for audits and clinical trials
PACS/RIS integration for radiology with workflow to send front-end draft notes to MTSO for editing
Transcript delivery options: automatic PC download, SFTP and HL7
Faxing automation to referring physicians
Transcript delivery status shows success, failure or pending to track when interface is down and when fax is out of paper/unavailable
eSignature feature enables signing on Windows PCs, smart phones and tablets
Complete HIPAA audit log is available for every job
Transcription platform available for inhouse MTs when mixed inhouse/outsourced environments

If your MTSO is New to Speech Rec
Most medical-grade speech recognition is sold by two industry giants that also sell transcription services
Arrendale’s partner is nVoq, an innovative technology company that does not sell transcription services
Speech-to-text has come a long, long way. Together, nVoq and Arrendale use the latest technologies:
Neural networks, artificial intelligence and deep learning provide unbeatable accuracy
Generous no cost 45 day trial period

The editing process is the same as editing a straight typed note in the Arrendale system.
Back-end jobs appear in users’ queues (single sign-on) with draft text, just as if an MT had typed.
There are no extra screens or steps required.
System learns from corrections.
Productivity gains are 30-40%
MTSO ‘turns on’ dictators at your own schedule.
Seamless back-end speech rec workflow is simple to implement