Dictation, transcription and speech-to-text
Customizable for each department
Leased software with easy monthly payments
Speech to text savings, powered by nVoq
Provider dictation flexibility and convenience
Instant reports for turnaround, and all system activity
Transcript data mining for meds, symptoms and more
System simplification with cloud hosting and quick downloads

Cost Savings: Do the Math!

SaaS, Software as a Service, for financial savings and accounting ease
Integrated front-end speech recognition, at least 25% less than competitors
Payroll savings for in-house transcription teams with back-end speech
No server hardware to purchase
No annual support invoices
No hefty start up fees
No, or minimal, interface fees as our HL7 team reuses existing interfaces
Reduced hospital IT burden with cloud-based deployment
Unlimited remote training by professional staff

Efficiency with Arrendale System
Single platform with multiple dictation and speech-to-text options
Central voice file storage of all dictations, including front-end speech
Flexible workflow enabling each department to document with their preferred method
Smartphone dictation app with transcript view, edit and optional eSign
Seamless speech recognition integration, powered by nVoq, both front-end and back-end modes, within the same platform
VNA, Vendor Neutral Architecture, to simplify interfaces as we match our messages to your EHR’s format
An online accuracy scoring app to grade transcripts, straight typed or speech-to-text, for CQI audits
A hospital editor queue to hold transcripts needing attention before EHR upload
Dragon desktop integration for sites that already own Dragon licenses

Our Intuitive Software Enables Customers to:
Dictate on Arrendale’s Mobile+ app, toll-free land lines, digital recorders and USB mikes
Quickly search and retrieve needed voice files and transcripts
Produce a HIPAA event log of all access activities for each voice file and its transcript
Centrally store all transcripts and voice files, including front-end created transcripts
Customize each department’s workflow for specific needs
Create patient transcripts with back-end speech, front-end speech, straight typing and mixed environments
Run turnaround time statistics for Meaningful Use and HITECH inquiries
Conduct a keyword search of all transcripts for medications, diagnoses and symptoms for audits, research and clinical trials
Analyze dictation/transcription activity with over 60 standard reports and exportable data
Automate delivery via HL7, SFTP, PC Download, Print and Fax per configurable rules-based system
Integrated Outsourcing Meets your Exact Needs
With Arrendale Partner MTSOs
Total, scheduled or pure overflow outsourcing: customer choice
No interfaces – seamless, secure delivery of voice to MTSO and return of transcripts
Reporting of MTSO’s performance, line counts and turnaround times
Auto-allocation rules to MTSO based on time of day, day of week, worktypes and providers
Easy manual allocation when desired
No more overtime or hiring for weekends, nights and holidays!
Affordable cost per line when MTSO edits back-end speech-to-text