Dictation and Speech Recognition: Hand and Glove

Front-end at the desktop with provider draft instantly on screen. Includes workflow to editing team

Front-end on the mobile app with provider viewing draft instantly on smartphone

Back-end with scribe review and editing before provider views
However You Choose to Dictate
Flexible, Feature Rich Dictation

All dictation methods compatible when scribes work directly in the EHR
Provider option to hear a job confirmation number
System will mimic your current dictation for convenience
Stat option to move a job to top of the queue
Admin console provides PDF of dictation instructions
Choice of prompt voices-yours or ours
User profile option to have listen privilege, but not dictate
Hands free dictation options for pathology
Value-Based Dictation for
Today’s Healthcare Professionals
Call 800.344.1323
Dictation Cost Savings

No onsite servers
No T1 telephony lines
No capital expenditures
Reduced internal IT support
Reduced telephony costs